By Gangstar | 2020-06-18
Hey, thugs!
We've noticed that some of our GangStars playing on Android devices have recently experienced some game freezes.
We're very sorry about those inconveniences, our dev team is already investigating & searching for the best ways to fix this issues for good.
In the meantime, we found a quick solution that could help you.
Follow those easy steps to fix this issue:
When in-game, go to the Settings
Then, choose Quality Settings
Change the quality to Performance option
❗ If the issue still occurs, please, contact our Customer Support:
Go to the Settings ➡ Customer Service ➡ choose option “My problem doesn't appear in the list of known issues” & describe the issue
Our Customer Care GangStar agents are already aware of this issue & will be able to gather all the required information and will share it with the dev team, so we would be able to find the best ways to fix this issue.
We appreciate your help and patience, hope to make the game better for everyone. Thank you to all the active GangStars for shouting out about this freeze issue!
Enjoy the Gangstar Vegas & stay tuned for the next announcements!
❤ Gangstar Vegas Team